May 142005

The way our memories work is amazing…not just because algorithms can’t reproduce it.

The associativeness and indexing is odd. I can’t list all the people who’s hands I have shook – or maybe I could if I spent a long time trying to remember every introduction that’s been made. But I can instantly know I haven’t shared a handshake (I use that wording cause I can’t tell if it is shook hands with or shaken hands with) Ronald Reagan.

And somehow I remember the exact example that was used when I was learning about memory back at UCSD.

Anyway – we were just watching the Las Vegas commercial where the girl introduces herself and her friend as a bunch of different tv characters. The Brady girls, the girls from Friends, the girls from Sex in the City, girls from Gilligans Island…stuff like that. And it ends with them meeting two guys – Cliff and his buddy Norm.

Fine commercial. I’ve seen it dozens of times. I like it. The idea of Vegas perks my ears up. And one day Ben’s talking about the commercial – and he says the lady introduces herself and her friend as Wilma and Betty – fine tv gals.

And immediately – I say – they don’t use those names in the commercial. And I’m surprised by myself…

  1. it doesn’t matter if the exact names of Wilma and Betty are used – the idea comes across fine and trying to correct Ben is just my chronic jerk characteristic continuing to prove it runs my life. Not a typo – but could be. I mean runs. But ruins might be just as appropriate?
  2. why do I feel (okay – I typed “know” at first and felt that was too cocky – chronic jerk again? – and replaced it with feel…but truth be told, I would have bet big money cause it was such a strong feeling that I would easily confuse it with knowing) one way or the other about Betty and Wilman being used in the ad?
  3. my memory is filled with lots of useless stuff. But I guess it needs to be that way – to be filled with useful stuff. At some level we choose what we remember – due to things like importance and salience and awareness – and at other levels, we have no control over what is remembered and how long it is remembered. Fun.

So since the? ad was just on TV I make Catherine watch it and verify just incase my need to be right is so strong that it will blank out my perceptive abilities when necessary (this blog can be seen as just a long list of how much Catherine has to put up with living with me…) and yeah, Betty and Wilma aren’t in the ad. But they would have fit right in.? And there could be another cut of the ad which does include Betty and Wilma…

Anyway – good how the brain can backfill details. The concept of the commercial was remembered by Ben and I identically – TV women characters. Details aren’t quite as important. Ben’s got all sorts of parenting items in his mind, facts about two little dudes’ lives in his head. No need to remember TV commercial details. Not when his mind can generate similar facts that match the criteria on the fly. Friggen efficient organ.

Organ that’s got me up at 7:30 Saturday morning talking about itself…reminds me of the opening quote in my thesis from Emo‘s appearance on Doctor Katz

“I used to think that the human brain was the most fascinating part of the body. Then I realized…uh…look who’s telling me that.”

Well, the brain’s really got me up cause I’m messing around with my craps simulations again. And cause the sun’s rising at like 5:45 in the morning now. Anyway – craps manifesto to come later today.

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