Nov 282006

…this past week when they were talking about how Sulu was going to make a guest appearance on Heroes and due to his innate charm, the tagline would probably be changed to “shave the cheerleader, shave the world.”

It wouldn’t be any worse.

Okay – so last week, we save the wrong cheerleader. I mean, from the nurse’s point of view, he saved an indestructible cheerleader, while letting another one die.  How can he feel he did the right thing? Or anything?  Given two cheerleaders, one who can die and another who cannot, which one needs to be saved?  I’d take the clue of “save the cheerleader” to mean, save the one that can actually die.  And it was a nice touch how he asks her if he’s saved the world.  Whew – that was hard work, saving an indestructible cheerleader…the world must be fine now too.

Then this week, we find that Sylar has the ability to see inside things and tell if they are “broken”.  He sees two cheerleaders. So he picks the closest one, instead of looking inside them to find out which is broken and going for that one? Com’on.

Anyway – this show also remains one of the slowest shows out there.  They tease for next week about how they are a show known for surprise endings and I asked Catherine if we can remember any surprise endings and we can’t.  So boy oh boy, I’m really goosed for next week’s.

At least Prison Break is over for a while – no more ads.

I’m waiting for Brotherhood to come back.  Even though, by the end of the season, I realized that there was no character in the show that was like-able. That actually made the show more interesting to me. I started out liking everyone, but as the season went on, I started to dislike everyone. I guess it made the show seem more realistic.

And Entourage. And 24.  Catherine laughs at me, because I was really upset with 24 during the middle of the first season. But since then, I’ve turned the corner. I think now, that’s set the bar for the kind of story development I need in a show.  Tons of stuff needs to be happening. In psuedo real time. None of this wait around for next week.  Stuff happens in the next 6 minutes!

Oh – one more Heroes rant – this little japanese dude – was he getting a little wood each time he teleports before? The little shaking bit that freezes time?  That’s the only explanation I can come up with around the fact that as he was about to kiss, he ended up teleporting himself unintentionally.  Wood == Teleportation.  Maybe that should be the new tagline.

There are some things one just doesn’t have complete control of. Like blog comments.

  4 Responses to “The Soup said it best…(alternate title: Wood == Teleportation)”

  1. how is that a rant bringing up your wood == teleportation? you seemed pretty pleased with yourself for coming up with that one. maybe even more pleased then when you came up with your spider man observation and his coming of age, shooting his web all over the place.

  2. it is baffling to me that you think this show is the slowest out there. of course, the only comparisons i have are “lost” & “prison break”. all the things you mention, can actually be explained, unlike ANY of the crap on “lost”. you seem particularly critical of this show, looking for things that are wrong. do you hate being a part of the zeitgeist?

  3. yeah – i dropped prison break 3 seasons ago. lost i only saw the end of the first season. maybe they were too slow for me to even consider.

    24 spoiled me I suppose.

  4. i asked the same question about how sylar could kill the wrong cheerleader when he can tell which people are “special.” shawn’s answer was that he probably couldn’t tell which one it was since they were standing right next to each other. which makes for a pretty sucky super power if you’re always getting the thing you want confused with the thing next to it.

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