Jan 242006

For a lot of reasons.

He’s from the Palisades – I used to goto high school there. It is close to the Santa Monica office – so if I ever go down, I might run into him, he’s kind of easily recognizable. I wonder how he’d respond to being recognized for his 360 blog.? It is a good read, kind of funny.? It’s even funnier when I imagine him pecking away at a keyboard to type all that stuff out.? He’s huge.

He’s declared 2006, the year of the ego, which I can appreciate.

He’s got a truck, a celica, and a motorcycle.

But there’s a serious side to him as well. His buddy Rick (for those of you who are into those types of things, one of Rick’s profile pictures is of him licking his muscles, which is kind of close to his armpit…) is in jail, for killing a guy that tried to mug him in Vegas after he won ~175k. Read that story from Rick’s sister Rachael – and her story about trying to visit him. It is like prison break, but on steriods. He’s currently in the hole. It is serious stuff. Maybe they should have seen it coming (from their comments – if these folks ain’t real, there’s some creative genius out there.)

I’m glad & always impressed with how 360’s being used in a variety of ways…

  One Response to “I like JT.”

  1. rick’s comment in his profile is solid

    “I’m a California native, born & raised in The Sunshine State…” The Sunshine State is Florida, California is the Golden State. Man, I sound bitchy.

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