Sep 072009

A couple of weeks ago I had a dream where I was in a meeting with some product people and they kept using a word I didn’t know. So I finally ask them what that word means and they explain it using another word I don’t know. I figured the seal was broken so I ask about that word. A third word was used that I didn’t know.

I woke up frustrated. But the words were active in my memory and I thought about them for a bit and then decided that they were fictional words. But I couldn’t lose the idea of how cool it would be for my subconscious to teach me new words as I slept. I really liked the idea of having a subconscious that was pacing my education, expanding on my vocabulary when it felt I needed it, or better yet, a day or two before I needed it. Just that my subconscious isn’t smart enough to do that for me. Bah.

Then last night I had another dream where I was giving a lecture on some topic I know nothing about. Some sort of physics.

But again, I woke up feeling a little let down by my subconscious. I can make up physics while I am awake – why wasn’t I learning physics while I was sleeping?

I guess that’s a business opportunity – effecting your dreams so that you have extra knowledge when you wake up from them. And since most people don’t remember the majority of their dreams, they can’t really complain about not learning things in them, cause they won’t know.  Should get you past the 30 day money-back guarantee period.

  One Response to “My dreams are trying to teach me something. Sorta.”

  1. Try using NPR as your alarm clock. I guarantee you’ll learn all sorts of new things in your dreams, although you’ll have trouble distinguishing things that actually happened with your own imagination.

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